Dental Crown Plano Texas

Cosmetic Dentistry

Is your smile suffering due to a crack or a cavity on your tooth? Dental crowns may be the right fix for your esthetic and dental health. Dental crowns are a long term solution for numerous dental problems. Come into North Texas Dental Surgery Wisdom Teeth and Implant Center in Plano today to receive all your treatment options.

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Dental Crown Procedure 

The first step in the dental crown process is to come in for a consultation. Our office prides ourselves in making your dental experience as easy as possible. During this first visit we will discuss all your treatment options based on what is right specifically for your mouth. If your treatment requires a dental crown then your next step would be to schedule a treatment date. At your first treatment date, the area around your tooth will be numbed using local anesthetic. Next, the tooth will be reduced to remove all decay or any compromised structure that could hinder the health of the overall tooth. Once this process is complete then an impression will be taken of your mouth. This impression will be sent to the lab to fabricate a custom dental crown. In the meantime a temporary dental crown will be placed to ensure the protection of your tooth. Once the final crown arrives we will schedule a treatment date to seat this crown. At this final appointment we will remove your temporary crown and permanently cement your crown, ensuring its the perfect size, shape and color. You will now leave with a lifelong crown that is indistinguishable from your surrounding natural teeth.

Dental Crown Plano

Dental Crown Care 

Caring for your dental crowns is as easy as caring for the rest of your natural teeth. Dental crowns are highly durable against breaking and do not easily stain making them a long lasting solution. To keep your dental crown at peak condition ensure you floss, brush twice a day and come in for regular dental cleanings twice a year, it is as easy as that! Our office is full of dental specialists waiting to transform your smile, why not take your first steps to a rejuvenated smile today? Visit our Plano location today!