Clearing up the Confusion Between All on 4 and Snap On Dentures

Dr. Daniel Choi is a board-certified periodontist with over 12 years of experience in placing dental implants. Over the years, he has seen many patients who have been extremely satisfied with their dental implants and the improvements they have brought to their ability to chew and smile. However, he has also seen many patients who were not happy with the results they received from their dental implants. These patients experienced dissatisfaction due to two main reasons.


The first reason is overpromising on the results of the treatment. There are two main categories of dental implant dentures: removable (anchored with implants) and fixed (permanent teeth attached to the implants). The removable option, commonly referred to as a Snap-On denture, is great for patients who are currently using dentures and want something that stays in place better than regular dentures or for those who recently switched to dentures and want to spend a little more money for a better fit. On the other hand, the other option, commonly referred to as an all-on-four or all-on-X, involves placing at least four or more implants in the jaw, and permanently attaching a set of teeth to them. This option is a better choice for patients who want a more natural solution, closer to having their own natural teeth. However, it is also more expensive.


The second reason why patients are dissatisfied with their dental implants is surgical error. Dr. Choi mentions that often, patients undergo the treatment with the wrong dentist, resulting in a surgical result that is incompatible with properly functioning teeth, regardless of whether they received a Snap-On denture or an all-on-four.


Dr. Choi has created a lot of content on his YouTube site and website for patients to be as informed as possible about the dental implant denture process. He provides information about the pros and cons of the Snap-On denture and the all-on-four option, including expectations, steps, healing, potential issues and repairs. He invites patients to check out his website and the videos on the pages for each option for more information. If patients have any more questions or would like to book a consult, they can call or click online.

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