Failed Gum Graft

Failed Gum Graft Of the many different different types of dental surgical procedures, gum grafts have a higher chance of failure.  However, when done with an experienced and knowledgeable periodontist, you will have the highest chance of gum graft success.  When researching a periodontist, try to find somebody who has a lot of photographic examples ... Read more

Does Gum Grafting Hurt?

Does Gum Grafting Hurt? The actual surgical procedure should not hurt at all.  Your surgeon will sedate you if necessary.  That way you can go to sleep and not remember anything about the procedure.  Also even if you’re not sedated, your surgeon will numb the area so you do not feel anything throughout the procedure.   ... Read more

Alloderm Gum Graft

Gum Graft Donor Tissue Alloderm is the name of a brand of gum graft donor tissue from a company named Biohorizons. Because it was the first company to introduce gum graft donor tissue for gum grafting purposes, many periodontists and patients have come to generalize all gum graft donor tissue and call it alloderm.  Today, ... Read more

Are snap in dentures covered by insurance?

Are snap-in dentures covered by insurance?   The first question to ask is do you have dental insurance.  If you do, that’s great news because your insurance will contribute typically anywhere from $1000 to $2000 for your treatment.  The actual insurance benefit that you have depends on what part of the procedure you will have ... Read more

Will implant dentures cure my periodontal disease

Will implant dentures cure my periodontal disease?   Our mouths are full of bacteria. That bacteria can turn into an avid infection which can result in the swollen gum tissue, bleeding, bone loss, loose teeth, and pain.  When all your teeth are removed, all the infection is cleaned out as well because the bacteria is ... Read more

Snap in denture maintenance

Snap-in denture maintenance   Your snap-in denture has a part called a locator insert that needs to be changed out periodically (every 3-6 months).  It is what they typically refer to as the male part of your snap-in denture.  Your locator inserts are made of nylon and have a tendency to wear over time.  In ... Read more

How many implants for snap in denture

How many implants for snap in denture? There are many factors to consider when deciding how many implants you will need for your implant denture.   Implant survival  Location in the mouth (upper or lower jaw)  Your quality of bone  Stability of the denture 1.Implant survival: You want to have enough implants in the jaw so ... Read more

Wisdom Teeth Swelling

Wisdom Teeth Removal Swelling Have you had your wisdom teeth out and are wondering whether you're swelling a normal amount?  Are you about to have your wisdom teeth out and wondering how much swelling you may get?  I’m here to answer these questions for you.   Swelling after wisdom teeth removal   The #1 determinant ... Read more

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

What Are Impacted Wisdom Teeth? Impacted wisdom teeth is a term referred to a situation when your wisdom teeth are not allowed to fully erupted into your mouth due to a barrier such as your gums or jawbone preventing them from fully erupting.     Types of impacted wisdom teeth  Full Bony Impactions Partial Bony Impactions ... Read more